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New posts in build-process

How to use CVS with the maven-release-plugin?

java maven-2 build-process cvs

How do I measure CPU, memory and disk usage during a build?

CSS Sprite generation in gradle build process?

In CMake, is it possible to build a dependency imported from a build tree?

Managing JavaScript config files for different build environments (like QA, UAT, Production)

Organization for source code and demos

Finding out-of-date or missing dependencies or output files in a Visual C++ solution (or: Why does VS insist on rebuilding projects without changes?)

How can I read a custom key's value in Info.plist and use it in Xcode's build settings?

ios xcode build-process xcode5

isKindOfClass doesn't match across targets when using a pod

maven-war-plugin: exclude all directories but one

java maven build-process

Perfect makefile

Crystal reports really slows down asp.net website build, any way to exclude them?

How can I get the build number of a Visual Studio project to increment?

How can I set up the "Working Directory:" from the "External Tools Configuration..." in Eclipse?

eclipse build-process

How to tag a scientific data processing tool to ensure repeatability

Can Visual Studio remember a MD5 of my source files in order to avoid rebuilding them when the timestamp changed but not the content?

Maven advice relating to versioning of a large project and the avoidance of versions containing expressions

Executing Bower in a CI Environment, such as Jenkins

MSBuild to copy dynamically generated files as part of project dependency

c# msbuild build-process

Maven Build is not including .class file in jar