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New posts in backbone.js

Sending custom error message from Express JS over to Backbone

Extending a custom Backbone.Marionette view. How to implicitly incur prototype's events/onRender?

Backbone.Radio: what's the advantage of commands and requests over events

Needs to understand Backbone main function

javascript backbone.js

What can I use Backbone JS's Models for exactly? Is this too far?

why extra div is render when m redering a view in backbone.js

Do Backbone.js views require jQuery or Zepto? (Or: why am I getting “Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function”?)

Backbone is not binding to form submissions

backbone.js: how to inline editing on attribute of a model

What advantage of backbone js be using with django

How do I output a JSON object with underscore.js?

Knockout.js observableArray vs Backbone.js Collection - What's the difference?

Backbone router events

Backbone.js, Underscore.js : template images preloading

Backbone: how the trigger function works

events backbone.js callback

Backbone.js binding this to success/error callbacks?

RequireJS & Jquery - Multiple templates in one file?

Routing.navigate vs document.location.hash

Backbone js: How to remove extra tag in view?

jquery backbone.js

Execute a function before changing route in Backbone.js