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Do Backbone.js views require jQuery or Zepto? (Or: why am I getting “Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function”?)

I’m just starting out with Backbone.js. I’ve subclassed Backbone.Model and Backbone.View:

var Message = Backbone.Model.extend();

var MessageView = Backbone.View.extend({
    tagName: 'div',
    className: 'message',
    template: _.template('{{ html }}'),

    render: function(){
            html: this.model.html
        this.el.className.append(' ' + this.model.type);

        return this;

I’ve then attempted to create an instance of each:

var message = new Message({html: html, type: type});
var messageView = new MessageView({model: message});

The last line line causes an error (in Chrome 12): Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function. It traces this error back to the function f.extend.make in Backbone.js.

The Backbone.js documentation on view.make says:

Convenience function for creating a DOM element of the given type (tagName), with optional attributes and HTML content. Used internally to create the initial view.el.

  1. Does it require jQuery or Zepto?
  2. Could I remove this dependency by overriding view.make in my call to Backbone.View.extend?
like image 560
Paul D. Waite Avatar asked Jan 20 '23 05:01

Paul D. Waite

1 Answers

1) The documentation states that it requires

either jQuery ( > 1.4.2) or Zepto.

2) The View Component is tightly coupled to the jQuery/Zepto API. You could reimplement it, but if you use backbone.js extensively, you will reimplement the whole interface.

But maybe it works with your small use-case, but becuase of the tight coupling I would not guarantee that it works.

like image 151
marc Avatar answered Jan 25 '23 23:01
