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New posts in zepto

Do Backbone.js views require jQuery or Zepto? (Or: why am I getting “Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function”?)

'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' error in Spring MVC + Zepto POST

ICanHaz.js - Possible to put a while loop in template?

emberjs and foundation4

Extend Zepto.js with a jQuery method? scrollTop()

javascript jquery extend zepto

window.jQuery or jQuery?

What are the advantages of PhoneJS over a regular backbonejs/HTML5 app?

Unable to build a custom Zepto package


Zepto JS is making the scrolling in my phonegap app unresponsive

jquery cordova zepto

Specifying $.ajax JSONP Callback Name in Zepto

Prevent Swipe events when interacting with elements on a page

javascript ios touch zepto

detecting iphone/ipad orientation not working

javascript jquery zepto

jquery mobile alternatives (and what is the bottleneck ?)

cordova jquery-mobile zepto

Error: Zeptojs Animate Is Not A Function

javascript zepto

Can we force ZURB Foundation 4 to use jQuery only, and not Zepto?

jQuery pluggin -> Zepto; $.fn.extend is undefined

jquery jquery-plugins zepto

What features of Zepto do not work on ie9?


What's Zepto.js alternative to jQuery's $(this).parent().parent().find('.active')?

javascript zepto

Backbone toJSON