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Backbone: how the trigger function works

I'm trying to learn Backbone by looking at an app that someone I know made together with the backbone documentation. The app has a Bucket model and a Company model (i.e. you put companies in the bucket). There's one thing in this bit that I'm unclear about, namely, how it uses the trigger method.

Backbone documentation has this to say about trigger:

trigger object.trigger(event, [*args])

Trigger callbacks for the given event, or space-delimited list of events. Subsequent arguments to trigger will be passed along to the event callbacks.

In the code I'm looking at, trigger is called like this:

this.trigger("add:companies", Companies.get(companyId));

Two questions:

  1. The event I assume is adding a company, but at what point in the code below does that actually happen? Is it when this.set({ "companies": arr }, { silent: true }); is run or when this.save(); is run (or something else)?

  2. If Companies.get(companyId) is the optional argument, what function is it actually passed to?

Excerpt from original code

window.Bucket = Backbone.Model.extend({
  defaults: function() {
    return {
      companies: []

  addCompany: function(companyId) {
    var arr = this.get("companies");
    this.set({ "companies": arr }, { silent: true });
    this.trigger("add:companies", Companies.get(companyId));

  // ...
like image 489
Leahcim Avatar asked Jan 16 '23 22:01


1 Answers

The companies property of the bucket is being updated in the addCompany method you describe. An annotated version of your example shows what's taking place:

  // 1. get array of companies currently included in the bucket:
  var arr = this.get("companies");

  // 2. add a company to the array

  // 3. replace the bucket's company list with the array,
  //    suppressing validation and events:
  this.set({"companies": arr}, {silent: true});

  // 4. save the bucket:

trigger isn't actually affecting the model--it's just a way of letting other pieces of the application know that the company has been added. You could turn around and catch it somewhere else using on with the bucket model:

var bucket = new window.Bucket();

// do stuff

bucket.on('add:companies', function(company) {
  alert('a new company has been added to the bucket.');
like image 154
rjz Avatar answered Jan 28 '23 01:01
