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New posts in jquery-templates

How to get the value of the data item to use in {{if}}?

JsRender - How to render template from within template?

Can I appendTo in JQuery, but have it fade in rather than instantly appear?

jquery jquery-templates

why extra div is render when m redering a view in backbone.js

dollar curly brackets issue in JSP and Jquery

Best way to populate select list with JQuery / Json?

jQuery Templates not working in IE9 RC

Stop KnockoutJS from using jQuery.tmpl

How can I access variables of an outer scope from within an {{each}} block of a jQuery tmpl template?

jquery jquery-templates

Avoid duplicate formatting between server-side Razor view and client-side jQuery template

jQuery Templating - Associating data to template DOM elements

How to avoid duplication of html in client and server side tempates?

Proper way to access a object property in a jquery-tmpl {{each}} statement

jquery jquery-templates

What is the best practice for placing template views and backbone view code

If statement in jQuery template

Jquery Templates performance

jQuery jquery-tmpl roadmap

jQuery templates - where should I put them?

jquery jquery-templates

How do I call functions in nested {{tmpl}} tags in jquery-templates?

jquery jquery-templates