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New posts in avx512

Horizontal add with __m512 (AVX512)

simd intrinsics avx512

What is meant by "fixing up" floats?

simd intrinsics avx512

Missing AVX-512 intrinsics for masks?

c gcc intrinsics icc avx512

BMI for generating masks with AVX512

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Why doesn't Intel design its SIMD ISAs in a more compatible or universal way?

intel simd avx avx2 avx512

What is the granularity of "masked" stores in AVX512?

How can I write a QuadWord from AVX512 register zmm26 to the rax register?

assembly x86 intel avx512

Counting 1 bits (population count) on large data using AVX-512 or AVX-2

AVX-512 and Branching

Count leading zero bits for each element in AVX2 vector, emulate _mm256_lzcnt_epi32

What are the AVX-512 Galois-field-related instructions for?

avx512 galois-field

What are the differences between the compress and expand instructions in AVX-512?

assembly x86 simd avx512

GNU C inline asm input constraint for AVX512 mask registers (k1...k7)?

Do 128bit cross lane operations in AVX512 give better performance?

performance x86 intel avx avx512

Does Skylake need vzeroupper for turbo clocks to recover after a 512-bit instruction that only reads a ZMM register, writing a k mask?

Does vzeroall zero registers ymm16 to ymm31?

assembly x86 intel avx avx512

What is the penalty of mixing EVEX and VEX encoded scheme?

assembly x86 simd avx512

Truth-table reduction to ternary logic operations, vpternlog