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New posts in autoformatting

Disable CSS auto-format in Visual Studio (particularly 11)

Perltidy autoformat hashref as parameter

Do not add extra newline before <head> and <body> tags with VSCode's autoformatter

Vim: Textwrap without leading characters

Why does eclipse always wrap after @param myParameter in JavaDoc?

eclipse autoformatting

Auto-formatting Swift in Xcode for a blind developer

xcode autoformatting

Make verbatim string literals auto-indent to stay aligned with nearby code

In emacs Python mode, how do I set a different auto-fill width for docstrings and code?

make Clang-Format ignore comments for line break

Auto-comment new line in Vim only for block comments

vim comments autoformatting

How can I automatically tidy up Perl source code?

tool to auto-format R code

r formatting autoformatting

Prevent VSCode auto format on save from removing final newline

How to disable all whitespace autoformatting in Visual Studio 2015?

Eclipse auto-formatter, disable auto line-wrapping of comment lines

eclipse autoformatting

Is it possible to auto format PHP in Sublime Text 2?

How do I Change VSCode To Indent 4 Spaces Instead Of Default 2?

Auto-format R code in RStudio

r rstudio autoformatting

How To Auto-Format / Indent XML/HTML in Notepad++