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New posts in autoformatting

Dreamweaver CS5 Auto-Format source code like in VS2010 CTRL+K, CTRL+D?

Visual Studio 2010 Auto-Formatting

How to ignore space after comments when calculating indent level in Vim

Visual C++ keeps destroying my code formatting alignment

Autoformat Javascript in Netbeans IDE

How do I remove auto paragraph formatting for pages ONLY, and not posts (WordPress)

Programmatically format XML in indented form just like Visual Studio's auto-format

Eclipse is making nice looking JSF code (XHTML) unreadable by autoformating

There is no document formatter for 'django-html'-files installed

Netbeans : Auto Format : prevent it for a section of my code

netbeans autoformatting

Autoindent <head> and <body> in VSCode

If it is possible to auto-format code before and after a source control commit, checkout, diff, etc. does a company really need a standard code style?

Disable Resharper auto-formatting around certain blocks of code

How to disable Eclipse PDT auto-format code when pasting

How to disable auto changing tabs to spaces in the code in Intellij Idea?

How to make Visual Studio format dictionary initialization?

Visual Studio Auto-Format Broken

intellij stop autoformatting a blank line around java initializer code that uses braces

Gradle build file auto-formatting in Eclipse?