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How to make Visual Studio format dictionary initialization?

All Visual Studios (2012 too) do not format the following:

_messageProcessor = new Dictionary<ServerDataTypes, MessageProcessor>()
    {ServerDataTypes.FrameData,       ProcessFrameData  }   ,
    {    ServerDataTypes.ServerStatusResult,ProcessServerStatusResult     },
    {   ServerDataTypes.PlayerMessage,    ProcessPlayerMessage},

How can I make my Visual Studio 2010 (or 2012) to auto-format that? I need the following result:

_messageProcessor = new Dictionary<ServerDataTypes, MessageProcessor>()
    { ServerDataTypes.FrameData, ProcessFrameData },
    { ServerDataTypes.ServerStatusResult, ProcessServerStatusResult },
    { ServerDataTypes.PlayerMessage, ProcessPlayerMessage },

It's like in the auto-properties for the newly created objects. The format is working for that. But not for this. So, how to fix it?

like image 811
AgentFire Avatar asked Jun 04 '12 10:06


1 Answers

Short answer: you can't with VS out of the box. Resharper comes close, but it's reformatting doesn't quite do this style either. I've actually submitted a request for it do do this.

You might look for some other extension or perhaps develop a macro of some sort.

like image 122
Kit Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 05:10
