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Do not add extra newline before <head> and <body> tags with VSCode's autoformatter

VSCode's formatter automatically inserts a newline before <head> and <body> tags and also before the closing </html> tag by default. In the default settings the following lines exists:

// List of tags, comma separated, that should have an extra newline before them. 'null' defaults to "head, body, /html".
"html.format.extraLiners": null,

I tried setting html.format.extraLiners in the user settings to "" and also to "none" but it didn't change anything.

This is what I get:





This is what I want:

like image 226
zabbarob Avatar asked May 10 '16 15:05


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How can you prevent VS Code from breaking up long HTML lines into multiple lines? My solution: Select the SVG you want to convert to single line. Then press F1 and type Join Lines and hit enter.

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1 Answers

I had the "JS-CSS-HTML Formatter" extension installed, which was causing the problems. After uninstalling it, everything now works as expected.

like image 142
zabbarob Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09
