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Compile Errors upgrading ATL project from vs2010 to vs2013 [duplicate]

Do without USES_CONVERSION macro

c++ macros atl

warning C4003: not enough actual parameters for macro 'min'

c++ header inline atl

How to get text from CEdit control

c++ atl cedit

How to return positive error code from ATL to VB6?

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error C4839: non-standard use of class 'ATL::CW2AEX<520>' as an argument to a variadic function

c++ atl

Why do people use ATL for COM programing?

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ATL Based Linker Errors

linker atl visual-c++-2008

Add ATL Simple Object in Visual Studio 2017

Where to put the destructor code for an ATL COM object?

c++ com destructor atl

Copying a bitmap from another HBITMAP

c++ windows bitmap gdi atl

Converting _TCHAR* to char*

c++ string visual-c++ atl tchar

How to generate a 64 bit COM Proxy

c++ com proxy atl atlcom

COM object created by CComObject::CreateInstance not destroyed when pointer goes out of scope

c++ com visual-studio-2013 atl

ComPtr vs CComPtr, As vs QueryInterface

c++ atl wrl

How Can I Add an "ATL Simple Object" to Old ATL DLL Project Upgraded to VS 2010?

Memory leak for CComBSTR

ATL COM class registration .rgs file defaults

'argument' : ambiguous conversions from 'Foo *const ' to 'IUnknown *'

com atl

How to communicate between two COM objects using Running Object Table (ROT)?

visual-c++ com atl moniker