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Difference between unsigned char and char pointers

c++ char byte atl unsigned-char

What is the best way to create a COM component today?

c# c++ visual-c++ com atl

Generic function to convert variant SAFEARRAY to STL containers

c++ containers atl variant

Unresolved external symbol _IID / _CLSID

c++ atl

Does ATL/WTL still require the use of a global _Module variable?

c++ atl wtl

How do I convert an ATL/MFC CString to a QString?

c++ qt mfc atl cstring

Should CString's GetBufferSetLength() have a matching ReleaseBuffer() call?

c++ string mfc atl

How should I create classes in ATL project?

c++ visual-c++ dll com atl

usage differences between _variant_t, COleVariant, CComVariant, and VARIANT and using SAFEARRAY variations

c++ com ado atl variant

Shall we treat BSTR type in COM as value or reference?

c++ com atl cstring bstr

What is Microsoft using as the data type for Unicode Strings?

c++ unicode atl wtl

Marshalling BSTRs from C++ to C# with COM interop

c# c++ com interop atl

DCOM: How to close connection in server on client crash?

c++ atl dcom

How do I add MFC ActiveX control to an existing activex project

CoInitializeEx returning S_OK when called inside a COM object

Cannot find C++ ATL Libraries (atl.lib and atl120.dll) in Visual Studio 2013

Crash in CAtlStringMgr::GetInstance under Windows XP

CString.Format produces different values with the same precision

Using MFC in Windows service?

Does COM activation of LocalServer32 EXE from the same user account share an existing process or not?

windows com atl out-of-process