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New posts in argument-passing

Using the Poco C++ Library, how can I pass data to a thread?

Generalizing `...` (three dots) argument dispatch: S4 methods for argument set including `...`

r argument-passing dispatch s4

Clojure Keyword and Optional Argument Problem

How to pass argument in a singleton

conditional inclusion of arguments in a function call

r function argument-passing

How can I pass <arguments> to IRB if I don't specify <programfile>?

ruby argument-passing irb

How do I create a function that accepts multiple argument types from pipeline and command line?

Passing a class as an argument to a method in java

Command line passing quotes within quotes

Python if more than one of N variables is true

batch script subroutine: Passing arguments

Check inside method whether some optional argument was passed

C function call with too few arguments

c argument-passing

x86 calling convention: should arguments passed by stack be read-only?

Order of default and non-default arguments

python argument-passing

Will a good C++ compiler optimize a reference away?

PHP: Pass anonymous function as argument

Why is list when passed without ref to a function acting like passed with ref?

c# c#-4.0 argument-passing ref

Splitting /proc/cmdline arguments with spaces

call RMarkdown on command line using a.R that is passed a file