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New posts in subroutine

perl: passing subroutines rexexp replace with search results

FORTRAN - allocatable array in subroutine

arrays fortran subroutine

How does Recursive Subroutine works in fortran?

Does Fortran intent(inout) pass a copy of the value, or pointer/reference to RAM address?

Passing large values to modules

arrays perl module subroutine

How can I pass parameters to Perl subroutines defined using eval?

Pointers to subroutines in FORTRAN [duplicate]

pointers fortran subroutine

Why doesn't my Perl script use my module?

perl perl-module subroutine

How can I prevent a sub being overwritten in Perl?

perl subroutine typeglob

Perl: show used subroutines

How to define a procedure type that works for a local procedure? [closed]

Variables in Perl subroutines do not release the memories

perl subroutine

Call parallel fortran MPI subroutine from R

Allocating arrays in a Fortran Subroutine

linking multiple files with fortran

How can I modify a scalar reference passed to a subroutine reference?

How to import subroutines from modules in perl

perl module export subroutine

Is it possible to only time the subroutine call in Perl?

perl profiling subroutine

FORTRAN 95: OPTIONAL statement does not work (using FTN95 and Plato)

How to pass file names to a subroutine in perl?

perl file io subroutine