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New posts in apt-get

Getting apt-get on an alpine container

docker apt-get apt alpine

installing `lightdm` in Dockerfile raises interactive keyboard layout menu

What is the difference between installing a package using pip vs. apt-get?

python linux ubuntu pip apt-get

Install openblas via apt-get `sudo apt-get install openblas-dev`

ubuntu apt-get openblas

How can I get Chef to run apt-get update before running other recipes

apt apt-get chef-infra vagrant

Ubuntu apt-get unable to fetch packages [closed]

ubuntu apt-get aptitude

What is the right way to do add-apt-repository via Chef?

ubuntu apt-get chef-infra

Run `apt-get update` before installing other packages with Puppet

puppet apt-get zend-server

Apt-get is broken after install Google Cloud SDK on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Jenkins User on Apt-Get Install Installation

How to correct virtualbox installation [closed]

ubuntu virtualbox apt-get

How to install Ruby 2 on Ubuntu without RVM

Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path

opencv apt-get pkg-config

E: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/certbot/certbot/ubuntu focal Release' does not have a Release file

Installing Java 7 (Oracle) in Debian via apt-get [closed]

debian java-7 apt-get

How to download all dependencies and packages to directory


Is it possible to answer dialog questions when installing under docker?

What are the differences between node.js and node?

node.js apt-get apt linux-mint

E: Unable to locate package npm

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Docker build "Could not resolve 'archive.ubuntu.com'" apt-get fails to install anything

docker apt-get