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New posts in pkg-config

Package libusb was not found in the pkg-config search path

pkg-config libusb-1.0

pkg-config --exists fuse fails

fuse pkg-config

Using `pkg-config` as command line argument under cygwin/msys bash

pkg-config fails to find package under sysroot directory

On Debian, running mono- error CS8027: Error running pkg-config

c# linux mono debian pkg-config

pkg-config: PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG: command not found

package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path for centos

opencv centos pkg-config

Provide option --define-variable to pkg-config from CMake / PkgConfig

pkg-config errors on windows compiling v8

c go v8 cgo pkg-config

How to write *.pc files for pkg-config on Windows?

windows gtk mingw pkg-config

Can't install cairo with cabal on Windows - how to get pkg-config on win?

haskell cairo cabal pkg-config

How do I supply a C library to stack on NixOS?

pkg-config doesn't work on Cygwin

Error:Could NOT find PkgConfig (missing: PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE)

how to map pkg-config names to yum/apt-get

yum apt-get apt pkg-config

pkg-config cannot find gtk+-3.0