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NixOS list all possible configuration options


setup: The program 'pg_config' is required but it could not be found

Import unstable and inherit config

nix nixos

Making a Simple Deb Package NixOS Compatible (Mathematica's wolframscript)

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nix-shell error - mkdir: cannot create directory '/nix/store/...': Read-only file system


can't find curl-config on NixOS


Unwanted bash newline nixos

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In NixOS, is there a way to get a list of available console fonts?


NixOS beginner: xmonad and haskellmode in NixOS 14.04

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How to replace paths to executables in source code with Nix that are not in PATH

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composing local nix packages

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How to add package to cabal2nix generated `env`?

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Where is nix.conf located when installed on OSX? [closed]

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How to pass environment variables into Haskell programs run via stack?

How can I override a Nix derivative without throwing `cannot coerce a set to a string`?


What nix channel is subscribed to by default

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Build versus Runtime Dependencies in Nix

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What is the relationship between Disnix and NixOps?


How do I use the new haskell-ng infrastructure on NixOS?

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