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New posts in annotations

Define a destroy-method in annotation-based bean?

Add comments to PDF files automagically with regular expressions [closed]

Create a custom Jackson annotation

Java annotation returns cryptic class names

java annotations

Foreign key not stored in child entity (one-to-many)

Check if bigdecimal has only 2 digits after precision using @javax.validation.constraints.Digits

java annotations bigdecimal

Hibernate : Difference between @ Embedded annotation technique and @OneToOne annotation Technique

java hibernate jpa annotations

Spring-Hibernate : Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions

Why is "annotatedClasses" needed if there is @Entity?

What's the meaning of new @SystemApi annotation, any difference from @hide?

android annotations

How to set an expected exception using Scala and JUnit 4

scala annotations junit4

How to use dynamic SQL query in MyBatis with annotation(how to use selectProvider)?

What is the Jaxb equivalent of a Text node value?

@PostConstruct not called when using Mockito @Spy annotation

What happens if I forget to mark the Spring SessionStatus as "Complete"?

Annotation based ServiceLocatorFactoryBean?

Retrofit 2 - Elegant way of adding headers in the api level

@MustOverride annotation?

Unknown Entity namespace alias in symfony2

Difference between @Secured vs @RolesAllowed in Spring? And the concept of Role Based Security?