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What is the Jaxb equivalent of a Text node value?

I am looking to convert a class that looks like this ...

public class Amenity {
   public String id;
   public String value;

into the following XML using JaxB annotations:

<amenity id="id-string-here">value-string-here</amenity>

Does anyone know what annotation to use on the value member variable to accomplish this? The closest I've gotten so far is:

public class Amenity {
   public String id;
   public String value;

Unfortunately this approach doesn't allow me to specify that the value member variable should not be rendered as its own tag <value></value>.

like image 630
ra9r Avatar asked Sep 30 '09 03:09


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1 Answers

I'm not 100% sure about this, but try to use an @XmlValue annotation instead of @XmlElement.

like image 158
jarnbjo Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 09:10
