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@MustOverride annotation?

In .NET, one can specify a "mustoverride" attribute to a method in a particular superclass to ensure that subclasses override that particular method. I was wondering whether anybody has a custom java annotation that could achieve the same effect. Essentially what i want is to push for subclasses to override a method in a superclass that itself has some logic that must be run-through. I dont want to use abstract methods or interfaces, because i want some common functionality to be run in the super method, but more-or-less produce a compiler warning/error denoting that derivative classes should override a given method.

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Harrypotter2k5 Avatar asked Apr 30 '10 05:04


People also ask

Why is @override used?

@Override @Override annotation informs the compiler that the element is meant to override an element declared in a superclass. Overriding methods will be discussed in Interfaces and Inheritance. While it is not required to use this annotation when overriding a method, it helps to prevent errors.

What means @override in Java?

The @ is Java Annotations. The @Override means that the method is overriding the parent class (in this case createSolver ). The Javadoc states for @Override : Indicates that a method declaration is intended to override a method declaration in a superclass.

Do you need @override in Java?

It is not necessary, but it is highly recommended. It keeps you from shooting yourself in the foot. It helps prevent the case when you write a function that you think overrides another one but you misspelled something and you get completely unexpected behavior.

What happens if we remove @override?

Functionally, there is no difference. However, with the annotation, you get the added checks that there is a run() method to override, which can catch bugs where you aren't using the interface you think you are using.

3 Answers

I don't quite see why you would not want to use abstract modifier -- this is intended for forcing implementation by sub-class, and only need to be used for some methods, not all. Or maybe you are thinking of C++ style "pure abstract" classes?

But one other thing that many Java developers are not aware of is that it is also possible to override non-abstract methods and declare them abstract; like:

public abstract String toString(); // force re-definition

so that even though java.lang.Object already defines an implementation, you can force sub-classes to define it again.

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StaxMan Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09


Ignoring abstract methods, there is no such facility in Java. Perhaps its possible to create a compile-time annotation to force that behaviour (and I'm not convinced it is) but that's it.

The real kicker is "override a method in a superclass that itself has some logic that must be run through". If you override a method, the superclass's method won't be called unless you explicitly call it.

In these sort of situations I've tended to do something like:

abstract public class Worker implements Runnable {
  public final void run() {

  protected void beforeWork() { }
  protected void afterWork() { }
  abstract protected void doWork();

to force a particular logic structure over an interface's method. You could use this, for example, to count invocations without having to worry about whether the user calls super.run(), etc.

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cletus Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09


... and if declaring a base class abstract is not an option you can always throw an UnsupportedOperationException

class BaseClass {
    void mustOverride() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Must implement");

But this is not a compile-time check of course...

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armandino Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
