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New posts in angular-validation

setValidators in custom control without from reference in Angular

How to show error messages for min and max values of an input field with number type?

Reactive Forms - skip validation on Cancel

Angular 2 custom validator to check when either one of the two fields is required

Angular 2 / Material - md-error not displayed with custom validator applied to parent FormGroup

Use google-libphonenumber in angular reactive forms validator

Angular validation messages appears after reset() form

Can an element in Angular 2+ be dirty without being touched?

How to use the Angular jQuery Validate's checkForm() function

angular 2 : TypeError: this.form.updateValueAndValidity is not a function

angular 5 conditionally validate field based on another field's value

multiple custom validators in reactive form angular 2

Remove validation in angular 4 when it's not render in NgIf

Angular 5 solely validation on blur?

Angular reactive forms - manually trigger validation of parent FormGroup when child FormGroup changes

How to user updateOn blur in FormBuilder

Async Validator Throw Expected validator to return Promise or Observable

FormControl boolean without default value in angular 2

How to use Bootstrap 4 validation pseudo-classes (:valid, :invalid) with Angular 5 custom validations?