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New posts in angular-validation

How can I reference control added in ngFor?

Angular 7 custom validation with dynamic/updated param

Angular 6 - reactive form validation pattern doesn't work

Angular 6: Custom validators not executing

minLength and maxLength validators not working in Angular7 Reactive Form

How to allow nested components to be tracked by their parent and get values from their parent in Angular?

Angular form validation to validate the phone number

Angular Clear form control errors

Angular custom async validator not working

Accessing validator’s state inside a template for an control in a FormArray

How to do and show server validation errors in angular form

Angular 4 form, disabled field is always valid

How to pass params to async validator for reactive angular control?

Angular 2 validator not working as expected

Angular 5: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@angular/forms/src/validators'

Fire validation when focus out from input in angular?

Angular 7 - Validate input field only if checkbox is checked

Angular 4 validator to check 2 controls at the same time