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angular 5 conditionally validate field based on another field's value

How to conditionally validate a field based on another field's value? Here's what i've tried but it seems not to work

this.PDform = _formbuilder.group({
    'intlNumber': ['',this.nationality == 'Abroad' ? Validators.compose([Validators.pattern(this.phoneNumberExp), Validators.maxLength(14), Validators.minLength(11), Validators.required]) : Validators ]
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hopeforall Avatar asked Oct 21 '18 00:10


1 Answers

You can change the validators for a form control when the value of another form control changes by subscribing to the valueChanges observable provided by the form control instance:

const control1 = <FormControl>this.form.get('control1');
const control2 = <FormControl>this.form.get('control2');

control1.valueChanges.subscribe(value => {
  if (value === 'first-condition') {
    control2.setValidators([Validators.required, ...])
  else {


This is a contrived example, but the pattern can be adapted for your use case. Don't forget to assign the subscription to your view model and unsubscribe when your control is destroyed.

Here's a StackBlitz example: https://stackblitz.com/edit/conditional-validation

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Brandon Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09
