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New posts in angular-validation

How to differentiate multiple Validators.pattern

Best way to show error messages for angular reactive forms, one formcontrol multiple validation errors?

Form Builder with hasError() for validation throws an error of ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasError' of undefined

Angular2 Forms :Validations, ngControl, ngModel etc

How to disable button in angular 7

Angular 2 : Validate child component form fields from the parent component

use formControlName for custom input component in reactive form

Angular form validation: compare two fields

Angular5 Custom Validator for Date Min

FormBuilder group is deprecated

Angular form updateValueAndValidity of all children controls

Custom Validator on reactive form for password and confirm password matching getting undefined parameters into Angular 4

Angular2 - FormControl Validation on blur

Angular - Dynamically add/remove validators

Expected validator to return Promise or Observable