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New posts in libphonenumber

Missing Meta data in com.googlecode.libphonenumber:libphonenumber:8.8.2 while building signed APK

Use libphonenumber to validate mobile phone number without knowing the country

c# libphonenumber

Is it possible to check whether a given phone number is of a cell phone or not?

Why doesn't python phonenumbers library work in this case?

python libphonenumber

How to format phone number realtime (when using UITextfield) in iOS for different region codes?

ios libphonenumber

Android Facebook Account Kit Crash - missing metadata: /com/google/i18n/phonenumbers/data/PhoneNumberMetadataProto_CN

Get E 164 format of contacts in Android API less than 16

Is it possible to programatically distinguish between American and Canadian phone numbers?

import com.google.i18n.phonenumbers.geocoding.PhoneNumberOfflineGeocoder class not found

android iso libphonenumber

How to use Google libphonenumber in Typescript?

icu4j is too big, any alternative?

java android libphonenumber

Use google-libphonenumber in angular reactive forms validator

Convert to E164 only if possible?


isPossibleNumber vs. isValidNumber

Is there any sample for @angular-libphonenumber with angular 2 or higher?


How to host the google libphonenumber locally?

libphonenumber for iOS or objective-c port

Using libphonenumber with JavaScript in HTML

android: how do I format number as phone with parentheses