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New posts in custom-validators

Angular 6: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined

custom validation attribute not working on client, just on server

Web2py Custom Validators

Why must JSR303 custom annotation's constrain group default to empty array?

is there a way to add violation to multiple paths in symfony2?

Angular forms custom validator null return not removing error from form

Suppress "base" in error text for custom validation of Rails nested attributes

Angular4: Form invalid despite no errors in fields (using custom validation)

angular custom-validators

Register custom ConstraintValidator for existing Constraint

vee-validate Custom validation rules not working

vuejs2 custom-validators

How do I use an existing Rails validator within a custom validation method?

Testing custom validators with Minitest

multiple custom validators in reactive form angular 2

CustomValidator not working well

How to use custom validators of github.com/1000hz/bootstrap-validator

How to write a unit test case for a custom validator for angular reactive forms?

Want to allow options to be specified multiple times when using boost program options. Right now I get multiple occurrences

Angular Custom Async Validator returning {__zone_symbol__state: null, __zone_symbol__value: Array(0)}

Inject custom service into a custom Validator

Display custom validator error with mat-error