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New posts in android-dialogfragment

Why use newInstance for DialogFragment instead of the constructor?

Set status bar color from DialogFragment

DialogFragment callback on orientation change

Dark text on dark background on AlertDialog with Theme.Sherlock.Light

Make bottomSheetDialog full screen over status bar

Toolbar in DialogFragment

Show DialogFragment from another DialogFragment

Shared Element Transition not working

Should I use a PopupWindow or DialogFragment for accepting input?

Fragment must be a public static class to be properly recreated from instance state

Dismiss DialogFragment(not Dialog) onTouchOutside

DialogFragment buttons color change in Lollipop

Setting the size of a DialogFragment

OnCancelListener is not called in DialogFragment

Android 6.0 Dialog text doesn't appear

DialogFragment not resizing when keyboard shown

DialogFragment with clear background (not dimmed)

Why is Android O failing with "does not belong to this FragmentManager!"

ViewPager in DialogFragment - IllegalStateException: Fragment does not have a view

passing context as argument of DialogFragment