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New posts in android-dialogfragment

Why is DialogFragment.onCreateView called when Activity is being Destroyed?

DialogFragment doesn't pan with SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_PAN

How to manage a DialogFragment with RxJava?

DialogFrag#show() from a Fragment throwing "IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState"

Why is onResume method of a Fragment never fired after dismissing a DialogFragment which was launched from the Fragment?

Advantage of using a DialogFragment over simple AlertDialog?

the status bar changes it's color to black inside fullscreen dialog fragment android

CoordinatorLayout with CollapsingToolbarLayout breaks with Keyboard in Dialog fragment

Passing an Object to Fragment or DialogFragment upon Instantiation

Adding a fragment to a dialog

How to keep DialogFragment positive/negative buttons above soft keyboard

Managing activity from DialogFragment

How can I pass data from activity to the dialogFragment that activity invoked?

Layout margin/padding at the top of dialog fragment

How to set font size for text of dialog buttons

How does DialogFragment affect the lifecycle of the calling Fragment?

DialogFragment in PreferenceActivity

Allow outside touch for DialogFragment