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New posts in android-dialogfragment

DialogFragment fullscreen shows padding on sides

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState with DialogFragment

IllegalStateException( "You can not set Dialog's OnCancelListener or OnDismissListener")

commitAllowingStateLoss on DialogFragment

Android DialogFragment disappears after orientation change

Calling DialogFragment's show() from within onRequestPermissionsResult() causes IllegalStateException in Marshmallow

Android DialogFragment title not showing

Prevent DialogFragment from dismissing when button is clicked

Adding positive / negative Button to DialogFragment's Dialog

Android DialogFragment onViewCreated not called

ActionBar in a DialogFragment

How to change the background color around a DialogFragment?

DialogFragment and force to show keyboard

BottomSheetDialogFragment - listen to dismissed by user event

getSupportFragmentManager() is undefined

Custom FragmentDialog with round corners and not 100% screen width

AlertDialog with custom view: Resize to wrap the view's content

onRequestPermissionsResult not being called in dialog fragment

Position of DialogFragment in Android

Fragment inner class should be static