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New posts in actor

How to implement several 'threads' running in only one thread

Simple Scala actor question

scala actor

Akka Actor - wait for some time to expect a message, otherwise send a message out

scala akka actor

Get existing or create new akka actor

java akka actor

Spark-Streaming from an Actor

Distributed Actors in Akka

Uncaught error from thread shutting down JVM since 'akka.jvm-exit-on-fatal-error' is enabled for ActorSystem

jvm akka actor leveldb

Check if a Scala / Akka actor is terminated

scala akka actor

How to get a reference to an existing ActorSystem in Akka?

scala akka actor spray

Scala Case Classes vs. Protocol Buffers with Akka over the network

Akka.net waiting for multiple pieces of data

c# actor akka.net

Actor name is not unique - AKKA

java playframework akka actor

Interacting with actors in scala swing applications

swing scala actor

Is it reasonable to view highly autonomous actors as agents?

How to implement actor model without Akka?

scala concurrency akka actor

When could Futures be more appropriate than Actors (or vice versa) in Scala?

scala concurrency actor future

Good book about Akka library and actor-based concurrency model [closed]

actor akka

How would you explain actors to a non-programmer? [closed]

actor actor-model

Is the actor model limited to specific languages?