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New posts in actor-model

Scala actors: two different approaches to a scheduled multi-thread application

scala actor actor-model

Actor Model for instant messaging app?

Why does Akka.Net F# API define actorOf2 but not actorOf3, actorOf4 etc.?

f# akka.net actor-model

TPL Dataflow, alternative to JoinBlock limitations?

How Arbiters from the actor model are implemented in Erlang?

Do web workers use actor model?

html web-worker actor-model

Akka. How to illustrate actors in UML?

uml akka actor-model

If scala advocate immutability why it adopted actor model with its mutable nature? [closed]

What's the difference betwee "Actor model" and "Reactor pattern" in Python?

What is actor model in context of a programming language?

How would you explain actors to a non-programmer? [closed]

actor actor-model

Actor model and collision detection

Is Communicating Sequential Processes [CSP] an alternative to the actor model in Scala?

Is it possible/advisable to have a different supervision strategy for different children of an Akka 2 actor?

How does Scala attain parallelism?

Actor model vs object oriented model

oop akka actor-model

When should one use the Actor model?