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How to implement actor model without Akka?

How to implement simple actors without Akka? I don't need high-performance for many (non-fixed count) actor instances, green-threads, IoC (lifecycle, Props-based factories, ActorRef's), supervising, backpressure etc. Need only sequentiality (queue) + handler + state + message passing.

As a side-effect I actually need small actor-based pipeline (with recursive links) + some parallell actors to optimize the DSP algorithm calculation. It will be inside library without transitive dependencies, so I don't want (and can't as it's a jar-plugin) to push user to create and pass akkaSystem, the library should have as simple and lightweight interface as possible. I don't need IoC as it's just a library (set of functions), not a framework - so it has more algorithmic complexity than structural. However, I see actors as a good instrument for describing protocols and I actually can decompose the algorithm to small amount of asynchronously interacting entities, so it fits to my needs.

Why not Akka

Akka is heavy, which means that:

  • it's an external dependency;
  • has complex interface and implementation;
  • non-transparent for library's user, for example - all instances are managed by akka's IoC, so there is no guarantee that one logical actor is always maintained by same instance, restart will create a new one;
  • requires additional support for migration which is comparable with scala's migration support itself.
  • It also might be harder to debug akka's green threads using jstack/jconsole/jvisualvm, as one actor may act on any thread.

Sure, Akka's jar (1.9Mb) and memory consumption (2.5 million actors per GB) aren't heavy at all, so you can run it even on Android. But it's also known that you should use specialized tools to watch and analyze actors (like Typesafe Activator/Console), which user may not be familiar with (and I wouldn't push them to learn it). It's all fine for enterprise project as it almost always has IoC, some set of specialized tools and continuous migration, but this isn't good approach for a simple library.

P.S. About dependencies. I don't have them and I don't want to add any (I'm even avoiding the scalaz, which actually fits here a little bit), as it will lead to heavy maintenance - I'll have to keep my simple library up-to-date with Akka.

like image 303
dk14 Avatar asked Dec 26 '14 13:12


People also ask

Is Akka only for Scala?

Akka is a toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications for Java and Scala.

Why do we need Akka?

Benefits of Akka (or why do we need Akka?)It supports clustering. It supports Reactive Streams using the Akka Streams module. It is easy to develop highly performant, highly scalable, highly maintainable, and highly available applications using Akka. It supports concurrency using the Actor Model.

Can Akka actors stop other actors?

In Akka, you can stop Actors by invoking the stop() method of either ActorContext or ActorSystem class. ActorContext is used to stop child actor and ActorSystem is used to stop top level Actor. The actual termination of the actor is performed asynchronously.

Are Akka actors single threaded?

Behind the scenes Akka will run sets of actors on sets of real threads, where typically many actors share one thread, and subsequent invocations of one actor may end up being processed on different threads.

2 Answers

Here is most minimal and efficient actor in the JVM world with API based on Minimalist Scala actor from Viktor Klang: https://github.com/plokhotnyuk/actors/blob/41eea0277530f86e4f9557b451c7e34345557ce3/src/test/scala/com/github/gist/viktorklang/Actor.scala

It is handy and safe in usage but isn't type safe in message receiving and cannot send messages between processes or hosts.

Main features:

  • simplest FSM-like API with just 3 states (Stay, Become and Die): https://github.com/plokhotnyuk/actors/blob/41eea0277530f86e4f9557b451c7e34345557ce3/src/test/scala/com/github/gist/viktorklang/Actor.scala#L28-L30

  • minimalistic error handling - just proper forwading to the default exception handler of executor threads: https://github.com/plokhotnyuk/actors/blob/41eea0277530f86e4f9557b451c7e34345557ce3/src/test/scala/com/github/gist/viktorklang/Actor.scala#L52-L53

  • fast async initialization that takes ~200 ns to complete, so no need for additional futures/actors for time consuming actor initialization: https://github.com/plokhotnyuk/actors/blob/41eea0277530f86e4f9557b451c7e34345557ce3/out0.txt#L447

  • smallest memory footprint, that is ~40 bytes in a passive state (BTW the new String() spends the same amout of bytes in the JVM heap): https://github.com/plokhotnyuk/actors/blob/41eea0277530f86e4f9557b451c7e34345557ce3/out0.txt#L449

  • very efficient in message processing with throughput ~90M msg/sec for 4 core CPU: https://github.com/plokhotnyuk/actors/blob/41eea0277530f86e4f9557b451c7e34345557ce3/out0.txt#L466

  • very efficient in message sending/receiving with latency ~100 ns: https://github.com/plokhotnyuk/actors/blob/41eea0277530f86e4f9557b451c7e34345557ce3/out0.txt#L472

  • per actor tuning of fairness by the batch parameter: https://github.com/plokhotnyuk/actors/blob/41eea0277530f86e4f9557b451c7e34345557ce3/src/test/scala/com/github/gist/viktorklang/Actor.scala#L32

Example of stateful counter:

  def process(self: Address, msg: Any, state: Int): Effect = if (state > 0) { 
     println(msg + " " + state)
     self ! msg
     Become { msg => 
        process(self, msg, state - 1)
  } else Die

  val actor = Actor(self => msg => process(self, msg, 5))


scala> actor ! "a"
a 5

scala> a 4
a 3
a 2
a 1
like image 180
Andriy Plokhotnyuk Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 11:10

Andriy Plokhotnyuk

This will use FixedThreadPool (and so its internal task queue):

import scala.concurrent._

trait Actor[T] {
  implicit val context = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(java.util.concurrent.Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1))
  def receive: T => Unit
  def !(m: T) = Future { receive(m) }

FixedThreadPool with size 1 guarantees sequentiality here. Of course it's NOT the best way to manage your threads if you need 100500 dynamically created actors, but it's fine if you need some fixed amount of actors per application to implement your protocol.


class Ping(pong: => Actor[Int])  extends Actor[Int] {     
      def receive = {
          case m: Int => 
             if (m > 0) pong ! (m - 1)

object System { 
      lazy val ping: Actor[Int] = new Ping(pong) //be careful with lazy vals mutual links between different systems (objects); that's why people prefer ActorRef
      lazy val pong: Actor[Int] = new Ping(ping)

System.ping ! 5


import scala.concurrent._
defined trait Actor
defined class Ping
defined object System
res17: scala.concurrent.Future[Unit] = scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise@6be61f2c

scala> System.ping ! 5; System.ping ! 7
res19: scala.concurrent.Future[Unit] = scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise@54b053b1

This implementation is using two Java threads, so it's "twice" faster than counting without parallelization.

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dk14 Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 10:10
