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New posts in 64-bit

Can we connect a 32 bit Oracle server from a 64 bit client and vice a versa?

database oracle 64-bit 32-bit

Bitwise shift operation in C on uint64_t variable

c 64-bit bit-manipulation

Stack resident buffer overflow on 64-bit?

Microsoft Script Control 64 bit?

delphi 64-bit

Datatype of pthread_t in pthreads?

c pthreads 64-bit

Unable to locate required Cef/CefSharp dependencies

How to best future proof my application that needs to connect to Outlook?

delphi outlook 64-bit mapi

GetOpenFileName fails in 64 bit, but works in 32Bit?

Simple question: Can x86 apps take advantage of the extra RAM a x64 OS gives?

Calling 32 bit lib files from 64 bit targeted application

c++ 64-bit static-libraries

Unable to find an entry point named 'InterlockedIncrement' in DLL 'kernel32.dll' - VS2005@Win7 64 bit

x64 - Why still use 'call'?

assembly 64-bit

Trunc() fails for high Int64 for 64-bit builds

delphi 64-bit

How to install python-igraph on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS 64-Bit?

Running Oracle on Windows 2008 R2 64-bits and WCF

How many child processes can a node.js cluster spawn on a 64bit Wintel PC?

Set and Unset a specific bit in a 64-bit integer

64-bits and Memory Bandwidth

What are the differences between .NET in 32 or 64 bit systems?

How to reserve bottom 4GB VM in an x64 C++ app

c++ winapi 64-bit x86-64