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New posts in 32bit-64bit

Python 64 bit? What does "on win32" mean? [duplicate]

python 32bit-64bit

Do any automated conversion tools exist for porting C++ code to 64-bit?

c++ 64-bit 32bit-64bit

How to deploy a desktop JavaFx 2.0 application correctly using jnlp for 32 and 64 bit?

Compiling 32-bit GTK+ Applications of 64 bit Linux

c linux linker 32bit-64bit gtk

Why is QtCreator/MSVC linking 64 bit system DLLs to my 32 bit application?

How do I compile and run 32-bit Python on 64-bit CentOS 6?

Gstreamer Java "No such Gstreamer factory" - why?

java 32bit-64bit gstreamer

Issue running 32-bit executable on 64-bit Windows

Use 32bit COM Server from a 64bit .NET Program

.net com interop 32bit-64bit

How can elusive 64-bit portability issues be detected?

How can I use a 32 bit native library in Java 7 on OSX

machine type (C++ librairies) : i386 vs x86_64

c++ linux macos 32bit-64bit

Wrapping a 32-bit COM shell extension within a "thin" 64-bit DLL wrapper

Declaring constant absolute 64-bit addresses in NASM

How can .NET app run with 32bit and 64bit Office?

What is the relationship between a .NET assembly and CPU architecture?

Why did RV64 introduce new opcodes for 32-bit operations instead of the 64-bit ones