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New posts in .net-assembly

How to use a Roslyn scripting submission as an assembly in other Roslyn compilations

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benefit of signing dll with strong name

Assembly.Load and Assembly.LoadFrom differences?

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How to generate an .EXE with different Name than the main Assembly?

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URI to local file relative to assembly

NullReferenceException vs. MSIL

Loading a NuGet assembly in T4 Template

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Quite special PublicKey in .NET core assemblies

location of .snk file and management of it

Create a copy of method from IL

How to specify targetFramework for PackageReference in .csproj file?

How to create an extern alias to mscorlib

How does MEF manage to instantiate an exported part which is an internal class of an external assembly?

Could not load file or assembly Microsoft.Win32.Primitives, Version=

Referenced project dependencies DLL are not being copied

C# Load different versions of assembly to the same project

Why am I getting the following error when compiling this assembly?

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Installing Assembly into GAC

c# .net gac .net-assembly

How to Identify Delay signed assembly

.net .net-assembly