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New posts in .net-4.5

Combine two lists into one based on property

c# .net linq .net-4.5

Has extending static classes using extension methods been made possible in .NET 4.0+?

Installer and deployment recommendation for .NET4.5 application

WeakEventManager & DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs

Compile .net 4.0 project on build server with .net 4.5

.net-4.0 msbuild .net-4.5

Can I make an exception in Task.Run crash the program?

.net .net-4.5

.NET 4.5 HttpClient request ServicePoint

c# .net-4.5

How can I print a collection of UserControls in WPF?

wpf printing .net-4.5

Should I upgrade to be able to use the new async methods for SqlDataReader?

Type constrained open generics do not work with RegistrationBuilder

Virtualizing Panel that doesn't crop items

Is my build script for targeting multiple target frameworks working correctly?

How to wait all asynchronous operations?

c# .net-4.5 async-await

Using async / await with DataReader ? ( without middle buffers!)

Installing Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate on Windows 8

Task status changes to RanToCompletion if the Task await's something

Wrong Content-Type header generated using MultipartFormDataContent

How to profile WPF 4.5 UI performance?

.net wpf mvvm profiling .net-4.5

Can you override the automatically captured value of a parameter attributed with CallerMemberName by explicitly passing a value?

c# attributes .net-4.5

Prevent scrolling when mouse enters WPF ComboBox dropdown

c# .net wpf combobox .net-4.5