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How to initialize contents of inferred Block RAM (BRAM) in Verilog

I am having trouble initializing the contents of an inferred ram in Verilog. The code for the ram is as below:

module ram(
        input clock, // System clock
        input we, // When high RAM sets data in input lines to given address
        input [13:0] data_in, // Data lines to write to memory
        input [10:0] addr_in, // Address lines for saving data to memory
        input [10:0] addr_out, // Address for reading from ram
        output reg data_out // Data out

reg [13:0] ram[2047:0];

// Initialize RAM from file

always @(posedge clock) begin
    // Save data to RAM
    if (we) begin
        ram[addr_in] <= data_in;

    // Place data from RAM
    data_out <= ram[addr_out];

I have run into the command $readmemh. However, documentation for it seems sparse. How should I format the file that contains the data? Also, how can I pass the file as argument when instantiating this module so that I can have different instances of this module load from different files?

I want the initialized content to be available for both simulation and actual implementation. So that the FPGA already boots with this content in RAM.

I am using Vivado 2015.4 to program a Kintex xc7k70 FPGA.

like image 579
Paulo Avatar asked Apr 13 '16 22:04


People also ask

What is block RAM Verilog?

Block RAMs (or BRAM) stands for Block Random Access Memory. Block RAMs are used for storing large amounts of data inside of your FPGA. They one of four commonly identified components on an FPGA datasheet. The other three are Flip-Flops, Look-Up Tables (LUTs), and Digital Signal Processors (DSPs).

What is Blockram?

Block RAM (BRAM) is a type of random access memory embedded throughout an FPGA for data storage. You can use BRAM to accomplish the following tasks: Transfer data between multiple clock domains by using local FIFOs. Transfer data between an FPGA target and a host processor by using a DMA FIFO.

What is distributed RAM in FPGA?

Distributed ram is, as its name suggests, distributed throughout the FPGA. A single 6-input LUT can store 64 bits. Distributed ram is read asynchronously, but written to synchronously (requires a clock). Writes are limited to a single port, but you can read from up to four ports in some FPGAs.

2 Answers

You are correct that you should use $readmemh inside an initial block. In order to make it so different instances of the module can have different initialization files, you should use a parameter like so:

parameter MEM_INIT_FILE = "";
initial begin
  if (MEM_INIT_FILE != "") begin
    $readmemh(MEM_INIT_FILE, ram);

The format is described in Section 21.4 of the IEEE1800-2012 specification; typically the file is just a bunch of lines containing hex numbers of the correct bit-length, like so:


Note that there is no "0x" prefix and each line represents an adjacent address (or any separating whitespace). In the example above, $readmemh would put 14'h0001 into ram[0], 14'h1234 into ram[1], 14'h3FFF into ram[2] and so on. You can also include comments in the hex file using // or /* */. Finally, you can use the @ symbol to designate an address for the following numbers to be located at, like so:


In the above file, ram[0] and ram[1] would be uninitialized and ram[2] would get 14'h0101. Those are all the major constructs of the hex file format, though you can also use _, x and z as you would in other Verilog numbers and theres a few more rules you can read in the section sited above.

like image 91
Unn Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 14:10


Apart from @Unn's excellent ans, I want to add that, If you just want to initialize your memory with either all bits to 1'b1 or 1'b0, then you can just put following code,

integer j;
  for(j = 0; j < DEPTH; j = j+1) 
    ram[j] = {WIDTH{MEM_INIT_VAL}};

For your case, WIDTH=14, and MEM_INIT_VAL may be 1'b1 or 1'b0.

like image 37
Prakash Darji Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10

Prakash Darji