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New posts in xslt

Output entire XML as an attribute

xml xslt xpath xslt-1.0

How do I convert HTML percent-encoding to Unicode, with XSLT?

remove last comma in XSLT

xslt xslt-1.0

Copy node and add value to attribute with Xslt

xslt copy add nodes

Colspan in XSLT


Why does normalize-space() not strip all spaces?

Can't stop thinking about XSLT in procedural terms... help with apply-templates


Selecting Comments by their inner xml in xpath/xsl

xml xpath xslt comments

Print numbers from one to one million


How to concatenate two node-sets such that order is respected?

xslt xpath xpath-2.0

Extremely slow XSLT transformation in Java

java xml xslt

XSL Multiple search and replace function

search xslt replace translate

If-then in XSLT

xml xslt xslt-1.0

How to handle linked components in XSLT in tridion SDL Tridion 2011 SP1 using XSLT mediator

xslt xpath tridion

Create xmlns attribute in the XML using XSLT Transformation

java xml xslt xml-namespaces

xsl:sort: sorting by numeric value

xslt sorting numerical

Remove namespace declaration from XSLT stylesheet with XSLT

How to count the number of same immediate preceding siblings in xsl

xslt xslt-2.0

Why does Clojure represent xml documents as hash-maps?

xml xslt clojure lisp

Distinct values with XSLT 1.0 when XPath has multiple criteria