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New posts in xpath-2.0

most readable way in XPath to write "is value X a member of sequence S"?

coding-style xpath-2.0

How to check if element node contains a specific value in xsl

xml xslt xpath-2.0

XPath for elements at multiple levels?

xpath xpath-2.0

How to concatenate two node-sets such that order is respected?

xslt xpath xpath-2.0

Applying templates to elements in a variable/sequence

xslt xpath xslt-2.0 xpath-2.0

Why does index-of() return multiple values when applied to a sequence of unique nodes?

XQuery: How to count how many times a value occurs in sequence

xml xquery xpath-2.0

does JDK 6 support all features of XPath 2.0?

java xpath xpath-2.0

XPath: Get root node of a node-set from a specified node

xslt xpath xpath-2.0

XML to CSV conversion using XQuery

XSLT2: How to reference attributes about the current node in XPath2 predicates

xpath xslt-2.0 xpath-2.0

xpath 1 and xpath 2 return different results when determining min and max value

xpath max min xpath-2.0

How to use XPath 2.0 Methods in .NET 4.0?

xslt .net-4.0 xpath-2.0

Which version of XPath is installed

powershell xpath-2.0

Using xquery FLWOR expressions to find multiple "where" restrictions

xml xpath xquery xpath-2.0 flwor

Why did the definition of dot (.) change between XPath 1.0 and 2.0?

foreach inside tokenize

xslt xslt-2.0 xpath-2.0

XPath to retrieve text within span

html xpath xpath-2.0

Will XPath 2.0 and/or XSLT 2.0 be implemented in PHP?