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New posts in xpath-2.0

XPath: Match whole word (using matches function with case insensitive flag)

regex search xpath xpath-2.0

XPath 2.0 Libraries for .Net

.net xpath xpath-2.0

Idiomatic way to express set equality in XPath 2.0

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XPath child::* vs child::node()

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XPathEvalError: Unregistered function for matches() in lxml

python xpath lxml xpath-2.0

Finding the difference between 2 dates in xslt

xslt xslt-2.0 xpath-2.0

XQuery/XPath: Using count() and max() function for return of element with highest count

xpath xquery xpath-2.0

Nested conditional if else statements in xpath

Split node value with XPath

xml xpath-2.0

Evaluate Xpath2.0 in python

how to check parent of current node is root node or not in xslt?

xml xslt xpath xpath-2.0

How to get only numbers from string with XPath

xpath xpath-2.0

Convert dateTime to unix epoch in xslt

XSL if test starts-with

xslt xpath xpath-2.0

Does libxml2 support XPath 2.0 or not?

XPath 2.0 online tester? [closed]

testing xpath-2.0

xpath dates comparison

xml xpath xpath-2.0

What browsers support Xpath 2.0?