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New posts in xpath-1.0

Distinct values with XSLT 1.0 when XPath has multiple criteria

Apply a predicate to the current node

xslt xpath xpath-1.0

Can I select in XPath based on a variable attribute?

xslt xpath xslt-1.0 xpath-1.0

How to handle double quotes in string before XPath evaluation?

Concat function with strings in XPath

xml xpath xpath-1.0

using XPath to select contiguous elements with a certain attribute value

xslt xpath xslt-1.0 xpath-1.0

Is xpath different for different browser?

Xpath to select all and exclude child and its children

xml xpath xpath-1.0

Python and Selenium xpath for selecting with multiple conditions

XPath "in" operator

xml xpath xpath-1.0

Check type of node in XSL template

xslt xpath-1.0

How to use starts-with() , contains() and ends-with() in XPath to find the xml node innertext? in XPATH 1.0

xslt xpath xpath-1.0

How to find the max attribute from an XML document using Xpath 1.0

xml xpath xpath-1.0

How to select the nth item in xpath 1.0?

Encoding XPath Expressions with both single and double quotes

c# xml xpath xpath-1.0

How can I use XPath to find the minimum value of an attribute in a set of elements?

xml xpath xpath-1.0

XSLT string replace