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New posts in xslt

Using SAXON 9.5 (nuget) with Schematron

c# xslt schematron

xml conditional code in log4j2.xml

xml xslt log4j2

Using XSLT to remove ALL processing instructions from an XML file

xml xslt

XSL-FO leader wrapping

xslt xsl-fo antenna-house

Hyperlinks within XSLT Templates


Is it possible to flip and rotate text using XSLT?

xml xslt

xsl: Copy the entire xml except a parent node but keep its child node

xml xslt

XSLT: How do I trigger a template when there is no input file?


XSLT : getting the prefix of an element?

xml xslt function prefix

XSL - Execute code if a node has a given node as parent

xml xslt

Sort attributes in specific order for output

xslt attributes

XPATH: select subset of xml file

java xml xslt xpath

can you call a template within a template in xsl

xml xslt

how to add xsl attribute

xslt attributes image

Function "fn:encode-for-uri" causes XSLT to error

xml xslt

xslt to add default value where element doesn't exist


XSLT: how to check numerous nodes for a certain value applied to all of them

xslt xpath grouping

Empty/blank namespace declarations being generated within result-document

xslt namespaces

XSLT: xsi:schemaLocation is not showing on XML


XSLT to select elements that don't match something?

xml xslt