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New posts in xsd

Generate XSD from types in assembly with xsd.exe, having dataannotation attributes on properties

XMLSchema: Is it possible to calculate how valid an invalid document is (eg. as a percentage)?

xml xsd lxml xmllint

Xsd.exe generating unusable code with SubstitutionGroup/anytype

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Generating Arrays for XSD Sequences via JaxB JXC

java jaxb xsd axis2 xjc

Jaxb doesn't preserve case of namespace in package

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How can an XML schema require elements to be sorted by attribute?

xml xsd

Is there an XSD validator for Node.js

javascript xml node.js xsd

Is there any way I can specify defaultValue for collections with JAXB?

java xml jaxb xsd xjc

.NET XmlSerializer and multidimensional arrays

c# .net xml xsd xmlserializer

JAXB unmarshall: where does ElementNSImpl come from?

java xml xsd jaxb

Read XSD using org.eclipse.xsd.util.XSDResourceImpl

java xsd

Attribute 'xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation' is not allowed to appear in element 'VAST'

java xml xsd vast

XSD Error: This element is not expected

JAXB: Concrete type information (xsi:type) missing on marshalled XML

java xml xsd jaxb

Storing Database-Agnostic Schema

Schema validation android

java android validation xsd

Creating an xml file from xsd in .NET

c# .net xml xsd

Java web service, xsd date instead of dateTime

Axis2 and customizing an XML schema in a bottom-up approach

java web-services xsd axis2

Resource ServletContext resource does not exist