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SAXParseException; src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name '...' to a(n) 'type definition' component

java xml spring xsd xerces

How to generate classes from XSD that implements serializable?

Represent a List of Objects in XSD

xml xsd

Understanding JAXB @XmlRootElement annotation

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JAXB Annotations

Using JAXB generated class for an element that requires an integer with a pattern

java xsd jaxb

XmlSerialization and xsi:SchemaLocation (xsd.exe)

Element-Mandatory Attribute declaration in XSD Schema:


Validate output XML with XML Schema (xsd)

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Modifying SQL Server Schema Collection

XSD: Adding attributes to strongly-typed "simple" elements

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Ignore order of elements using xs:extension

xml xsd

Condition based on attribute value (XML Schema)

xml xsd

How Spring finds the XSD file from classpath

java xml spring xsd

End-to-end example with PyXB. From an XSD schema to an XML document

python xml xsd pyxb

Is there an xhtml.xsd equivalent available for HTML5?

cvc-pattern-valid: Value 'A' is not facet-valid with respect to pattern '^[A-Za-z]?$' for type 'whatever'

xml regex xsd

Invalid content was found starting with element 'element'. No child element is expected at this point

xml validation xsd

Must an XML namespace name URI be retrievable?