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New posts in xsd

Transforming an XSD template to an XML instance in PHP

php xml xsd

What Python accessible tools can you use to generate XSD from an XML document?

Serialize Jaxb Pojos to multiple or different namespaces

java xml xsd jaxb marshalling

Parse XML using a XSD in PHP

php xml xsd

JAXB: when using XML schema (.xsd) to validate an XML file, if validation fail, can I know which XML tag causing it?

java jaxb xsd xml-validation

What's xmlns:mstns in a XSD?

xml xsd

Acord Standard for Insurance. Has anybody dealt with this mess?

c# wcf xsd

generate Go structs from XSD

xml jaxb xsd go xjc

Referencing a XSD schema within jar file

java jar xsd

What is the purpose of xsc and xss file in VS2010?

xml visual-studio-2010 xsd

XML Schema: choice and minOccurs


Is xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" a special case in XML?

xml xsd xml-namespaces

How do you nest complexType elements in an xsd?

xml validation xsd complextype

How to define a user define data type in XML schema?

xml xsd

How do I make items optional in <xs:all>?


XML, what is this: null or empty element?

xml xsd null dtd xmlserializer

Serializing with JAXB and the Any

java xsd jaxb axis2

Adding (Embedded Resource) Schema To XmlReaderSettings Instead Of Filename?

Element cannot have character [children], because the type's content type is element-only

xml xsd xml-validation

How do I extend a base schema with custom elements while remaining open to change from new versions?

xml xsd xsd-validation