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Positioning an element inside the Canvas by its center (instead of the top left corner) using only XAML in Silverlight/WinRT

how to disable scrollviewer automatic moving of scrollviewer in XAML Phone Application

Get the actual size of an imagebrush control for a canvas background

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Binding Image Dynamically in Metro App

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Button style in settings bar of Windows 8 store app

Bing maps custom pushpin not showing without moving the map

How to keep DataGridRow focus and selection synchronized?

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Setting a property of a style's ControlTemplate in XAML

"Modern UI (Metro) Charts for Windows 8, WPF, Silverlight" for .net 4.0

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Difference between setting DataContext=this in constructor and Binding to {RelativeSource Self} in WPF?

xaml d:DataContext giving "Access is denied" error

How can I chain Resource Dictionaries that are externally loaded from disk, not included in project or assembly?

Can blocks of XAML be repeated, foreach-style?

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Why is my custom control always read-only?

how to add dots automatically while writing in TextBox

c# wpf xaml

DataTriggerBehavior Doesn't Work With Enum?

"value cannot be null. parameter name container" xaml

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WPF ComboBox SelectedItem Set to Null on TabControl Switch

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Type reference cannot find public type named

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How do you color a rectangle in C# that has been declared in XAML in WPF?

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