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xaml d:DataContext giving "Access is denied" error

I read the following blog post regarding the new xaml editing features available in VS2013:


Data binding Intellisense is something I've been wanting for ages, so I gave it a try - but unfortunately it's returning an error in the error list (though it still builds fine).

This is what I've added to my UserControl declaration / tag:

d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance Type=lTemplates:TemplateEditorCustomVM}"

This is the error in the list:

Error 95 Access is denied: System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection'1[_.di1.TemplateEditorCustomVM+TemplateCriteriaVM]'.

I'm not entirely sure what it's attempting to do, both classes are declared as public (main view model and a nested class).

Anyone got any ideas?

If not it's not the end of the world, as Resource Key Intellisense appears to work which is still a huge bonus.


OK - I moved the nested classes out into the public namespace, and VS has given me a more detailed error:

Error 64 Attempt by method '_.di1.Templates.TemplateEditorCustomVM..ctor()' to access method 'System.ComponentModel.BindingList'1<System.__Canon>..ctor()' failed.

I'm a little confused I must say:

Firstly, why would intellisense need to instantiate the VM class, all it should care about is what properties are available and what type they are - all of which can be retrieved with reflection.

Secondly I don't understand why its erroring when it runs fine when the application is started.

I may have to do the old trick of having visual studio debug itself running the designer to see what it's attempting to do...

further edit

Right, I changed the BindingList properties to straight forward List properties (as the BindingList is from the WinForms side of things so I thought this might be worth changing to see what it does). But I got a similar error:

Error 64 Attempt by method '_.di3.Templates.TemplateEditorCustomVM..ctor()' to access method 'System.Collections.Generic.List'1<System.__Canon>..ctor()' failed.

I did a quick google on System.__Canon and its just a optimization detail :


Though still no closer to sussing out whats going on, ah well I'll keep digging further.

edit - now have a repo

Right, I began commenting out huge chunks of the VM to try to get to the bottom of this out of curiosity - and I now have a VM class which appears to reproduce the issue:

public class Nested
    public class TestCheck
        public int One { get; set; }
        public int Two { get; set; }

public class SanityTestVM
    public List<Nested.TestCheck> Test { get; set; }


Error 14 Attempt by method '_.di14.Templates.SanityTestVM..ctor()' to access method 'System.Collections.Generic.List'1<System.__Canon>..ctor()' failed.

It appears the issue is having a List which has a nested class for its type - if its a normal class (non nested), everything is fine.

I think I'm going to need to submit a connect case for this - before I do is anyone able to confirm this, I have 4 versions of VS on a Windows 8.1 machine and I just want to rule the development environment out.

like image 224
Marlon Avatar asked Nov 01 '22 11:11


1 Answers

Looks like this is indeed a bug in VS2013 - I've asked a few colleagues to see if they can reproduce it and they can, so its not just my environment.

I've submitted a connect case - so if anyone else hits this error feel free to vote it up:


The issue is caused by having a view model that contains a property with a generic definition which contains a nested class type:

public class AClass
    public class AnotherClass
        public int AProperty { get; set; }

class TestVM
    public List<AClass.AnotherClass> NestedTypeList { get; set; }


<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"
        d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance Type=local:TestVM}"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="354" Width="535">


Error 1 Attempt by method '_.di1.WpfApplication1.TestVM..ctor()' to access method 'System.Collections.Generic.List'1<System.__Canon>..ctor()' failed.

like image 108
Marlon Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11
