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New posts in x86

8086 TASM: Illegal Indexing Mode [duplicate]

assembly x86 x86-16 tasm

Cast from float to double produces different results—same code, same compiler, same OS

Bitwise operation on a floating point usefulness

Print string using INT 0x10 in bootsector

assembly x86 fasm

Why isn't movl from memory to memory allowed?

Can two instructions execute in the same cycle if the same register is used as input and output respectively?

Unexpected output when printing directly to text video memory

c x86 kernel bootloader osdev

8086 random number generator (not just using the system time)?

Copying data from one variable to another

assembly x86 nasm

Is it possible to dereference something inside of a dereference in assembly?

assembly x86 masm dereference

Instruction reordering in x86 / x64 asm - performance optimisation with latest CPUs

Unknown meaning of colon ( : ) in assembly instruction

Would buffering cache changes prevent Meltdown?

GCC inline assembly with stack operation

Multishift operation

Can I get a int from my EAX/RAX to a register of the FPU like st0?

assembly x86 nasm fpu

Is a mov to a segmentation register slower than a mov to a general purpose register?

How to use XACQUIRE, XRELEASE Hardware Lock Elision (HLE) prefix hints?

Assembly Instructions: AAA

assembly x86 x86-16 bcd 80286

Why can't mov set CS, the code segment register, even though it can set others?