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New posts in x86

Software initialization code at 0xFFFFFFF0H

Time sources in x86 processors

Unexpected performance of multi-precision addition

c gcc assembly x86

Binary Bomb - Phase 4

Understanding TLB from CPUID results on Intel

assembly x86 x86-64 tlb cpuid

Do I have to pop the error code pushed to stack by certain exceptions before returning from the interrupt handler?

Dereferencing a label in x86 assembly

assembly x86

Adding floating point/double numbers in assembly

c assembly x86 x87

Segmentation Fault in Assembly Language

linux assembly x86

why clear interrput flag cause segmentation fault in C?

c assembly x86 interrupt

Loading a byte from a DB 1, but printf integer show a large number

assembly x86 printf call nasm

How can I show that volatile assignment is not atomic?

How many XMM registers are available on an x86 processor supporting SSE?

Visual C++ inline x86 assembly: Accessing "this" pointer

Why Do Compilers Insert INT3 Instructions Between Subroutines?

Compilation of a simple c++ program using SSE intrinsics

c++ x86 sse simd

How does the assembly TEST instruction work with these jump instructions?

Where string data is stored?

c linux string assembly x86

NASM Assembly convert input to integer?

assembly x86 char nasm atoi

x86 Assembly - Why is [e]bx preserved in calling conventions?